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Mouthguards for TMJ: Yay or Nay?

If you’re experiencing any of these painful symptoms of TMJ, you may be looking for a quick fix to end your suffering: Jaw pain Jaw tightness Clicking/popping noises in the jaw area Headache Neck pain Ear pain Ear congestion Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Facial pain Facial numbness Bruxism (grinding/clenching your teeth and jaw [...]

By |March 23rd, 2023|TMJ|

10 Benefits of TMJ Treatment

If you are suffering from temporomandibular joint disorders (called TMJ or TMD), you might be postponing treatment, even though that’s a bad idea. Here are 10 benefits of TMJ treatment that might convince you it’s time to contact Aberdeen {{{{link id='50378' text='TMJ dentist' esc_html='false'}}}} Dr. Mandy Grimshaw at Kuhn Dental Associates. [...]

By |August 17th, 2022|TMJ|

Oral Appliance Therapy: Changing Lives by Improving Health

To understand how oral appliance therapy provides health benefits above and beyond the obvious ones related to the alignment of your teeth and jaws, it’s important to first realize the connection between sleep apnea and {{{{link id='50430' text='snoring' esc_html='false'}}}}. An Aberdeen, NC dentist who practices neuromuscular dentistry will often treat your malocclusion with an [...]

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Postpone TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular joint disorders (called TMJ or TMD) are common. Nearly a third of all adults experience them at some time. While most cases of TMJ resolve on their own without professional treatment, if your TMJ is persistent or recurring, you should seek treatment. Here are five great reasons why you {{{{link id='52235' text='shouldn’t [...]