When you have one or more missing teeth, it’s essential that you find a tooth replacement option that works for you. Replacing your missing teeth will not only prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of position, but it will help you maintain your beautiful smile and ability to eat and speak without trouble. At Kuhn Dental Associates, we offer several tooth replacement options at our Aberdeen dental office. We know how difficult it can feel to choose one.
Learn more about dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants to find out which option would work best for you.
Dental Bridges
One of our top tooth replacement options is dental bridges. A dental bridge fills in a missing tooth by using two existing teeth and dental crowns as anchors or two dental crowns attached to dental implants as anchors. This fixed tooth replacement option allows you to chew and bite normally and look completely natural. As a bonus, you also never have to worry about it falling out or coming out for cleaning. We can also create your dental bridge the same day as your procedure thanks to our in-office CEREC.
Rejuvenating Dentures
One word you normally don’t associate with dentures is rejuvenating. We’re proud to offer our patients dentures you would actually feel excited to wear, and they rejuvenate your face. FOY® Dentures don’t just replace your missing teeth, they restore your smile and facial structure. Oftentimes when someone loses their teeth, their bone structure begins to disappear with their jaw bone. Traditional dentures don’t offer any support to the facial structures. But with FOY® dentures, they rest comfortably and distribute pressure evenly throughout the gums and support facial features.
We offer a wide variety of dentures options to help any patient replace either a full or partial mouth of teeth. We can even support your dentures with dental implants for extra stability and security. Dentures are a great tooth replacement option for people with many missing teeth.
Dental Implants
Our last tooth replacement option is dental implants. Dental implants can help patients replace single or multiple teeth. For single teeth, we will attach a dental crown to the dental implant. For multiple missing teeth, patients can choose from dental bridges or one of our many dentures options.
One of the top reasons to choose dental implants as part of your tooth replacement option is because it’s the only solution that supports replacement teeth like a natural tooth. The dental implant is placed in the jaw and when you’re chewing, it applies all bite pressure onto the jaw instead of your gums like with most dentures. Dental implants also help retain jaw bone and a youthful appearance. Patients won’t find a stable and natural feeling option as they will with dental implants.
If you’re looking to replace your missing teeth in Aberdeen with dental bridges, dentures, or dental implants, please contact Kuhn Dental Associates to find out which option is the best one for you. Call our office at (910) 692-4450 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Grimshaw or Dr. Kuhn today!